Section 1, Module 1
In Progress

Corrections and Cross Outs

In many instances a signer must cross out certain words or make corrections in a document. In any case where this is required the notary and the signer(s) must initial the document near the cross out or correction.

Often, an acknowledgement or jurat will require cross outs of the words he/she/they, his/her/their to select the correct pronoun or even the wrong listed state or other information. For these, the notary must cross out the pronouns that do not apply or cross out and correct the incorrect state or information and initial in the margin near the same lines that the cross out appears. For these cross outs it is not necessary to have the signer initial as well.

State of Hawaii

City and County          S.S.

Of Honolulu

I, John Smith Doe, hereby appoint Jame Doe to be my health care power of attorney. This is only to take effect when I am no longer able to make my own health care decisions. Jane Doe will be able to make all health care and end of life decisions for me once this health care power of attorney is activated. All health care and end of life decisions made by Jane Doe shall be considered to be a decision made me as my free act and will.

John Smith Doe  09/28/2021

John Smith Doe       Date

On this 28 day of September, 2021, before me appeared John Smith Doe, personally known to me (or proven on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument and acknowledged that he/she/they executed it under his/her/their free act and deed. As witness my hand and seal in the state of California.

John Q. Notary

John Q. Notary

My Commission Expires: June 02, 2025