This training is not a continuing education course and you will not receive any continuing education credits after taking this training. This training is meant solely to provide you with a better understanding of the laws for notaries public set by the State of Hawaii Department of the Attorney General. We Go Notary highly recommends that in addition to this training, you study the most recent versions of the Notary Public Manual, Hawaii Revised Statute (HRS) 456, Hawaii Administrative Rule (HAR) 5-11, and the Notary Public Code of Professional Responsibility, all of which constitute the various laws issued by the State of Hawaii, Department of the Attorney General, pertaining to Notaries Public. The most up to date versions of these documents are available on the State of Hawaii, Department of the Attorney General’s website for Notaries Public located at: http://ag.hawaii.gov/notaries-public/notaries-public-documents/. It is highly recommended that you check this website regularly as the documents can be updated at any time and without notice.
Additional resources for Notaries Public including contact information for the notary public office can be found at http://ag.hawaii.gov/notaries-public.
We Go Notary makes no guarantee, explicit or implied, that you will pass the State of Hawaii Notary Public Exam by simply taking this training. To pass the exam you will need to study all the required laws mentioned previously until you have a thorough understanding of them. Fees paid for this training are nonrefundable. Failure to take and/or pass the exam after taking this training does not entitle you or the payor to a refund of any amount.
All names contained in this training are fictitious and do not represent any actual persons. Any similarities in names are coincidence and do not entitle you or the name barer to any compensation. Names, locations, and other identifying details of scenarios and examples used in this training have been changed to protect the identity and privacy of all individuals.